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   This `MUIRexx' application is used to build and maintain utility
docks.  There is currently no documentation available, but hopefully
operation is intuitive enough to figure out.  Try opening the edit
window (using the dock's menu) and drag and drop either a dock icon or
an icon from the Workbench onto the edit window icon area (above the
cycle gadget). After editting the dock item either drag the icon back
to the dock (replacing the icon it is dropped on) or press the [add]
button to add the icon to the end of the dock.  Also while the edit
window is open dock items in the dock can be rearranged by dragging one
icon onto another.  Dock items can be buttons (typically used to start
programs), switches (typically used as a toggle), docks (other subdocks
of items), or pop groups.  Pop groups may consist of any set of objects
and are created in the edit window by entering `MUIRexx' commands into
the list located on the 'Pop' register page.  Simple buttons may be
easily created by dropping command icons from the Workbench onto the
'Pop' list.  To edit or delete command lines in the 'Pop' list simply
double click on the line and edit the string or press the [del] button
to delete.  Entering a string will add the command line to the end of
the 'Pop' list.  Lines in this list are drag sortable.  Also,
additional commands may be entered into the list located on the 'Add'
register page.  These additional commands are inserted into the
beginning of the group that will contain the dock item.  This feature
is particularly useful for including context menus with specific dock